from fido2.pcsc import CtapPcscDevice from fido2.utils import sha256 from fido2.ctap1 import Ctap1 import sys dev = next(CtapPcscDevice.list_devices(), None) if not dev: print("No NFC u2f device found") sys.exit(1) chal = sha256(b"AAA") appid = sha256(b"BBB") ctap1 = Ctap1(dev) print("version:", ctap1.get_version()) # True - make extended APDU and send it to key # ISO 7816-3:2006. page 33, 12.1.3 Decoding conventions for command APDUs # ISO 7816-3:2006. page 34, 12.2 Command-response pair transmission by T=0 # False - make group of short (less than 255 bytes length) APDU # and send them to key. ISO 7816-3:2005, page 9, Command chaining dev.use_ext_apdu = False reg = ctap1.register(chal, appid) print("register:", reg) reg.verify(appid, chal) print("Register message verify OK") auth = ctap1.authenticate(chal, appid, reg.key_handle) print("authenticate result: ", auth) res = auth.verify(appid, chal, reg.public_key) print("Authenticate message verify OK")