STD_TAX = 0.06 OTH_TAX = 0.05 while True: con = "Z" validstate = False fullName = str(input("Enter your full name: ")) quan = int(input("Enter the number of items: ")) cost = float(input("Enter the cost per item: ")) discount = float(input("Enter the discount percentage (e.g. 10 for 10%): ")) state = str(input("Enter your state (e.g. PA): ")) if state == "PA": tax = STD_TAX validstate = True elif len(state) != 2: print("invalid state!") validstate = False else: tax = OTH_TAX validstate = True # print("Welcome " + fullName + "!") # print("You are purchasing " + str(quan) + " items at $" + str(cost) + " per item.") # print("You will have " + str(int(discount)) + " percent discount.") # print("Your total is $" + str(round(cost*quan - (((discount/100) * (cost*quan))))*(tax + 1)),2) if validstate: print("Thank you: " + fullName) print("Your Order:") print("\t Qualtity: " + str(quan)) print("\t Cost: $" + str(round((cost*quan-(cost*quan*(discount/100)))*(1+tax),2))) while (con != "Y" and con != "y") and (con != "N" and con != "n"): con = input("Do you want to start over? (Y/N): ") if con == "N" or con == "n": break