# This program uses a dictionary to keep friends' # names and birthdays. # Global constants for menu choices LOOK_UP = 1 ADD = 2 CHANGE = 3 DELETE = 4 QUIT = 5 # main function def main(): # Create an empty dictionary. birthdays = {} # Initialize a variable for the user's choice. choice = 0 while choice != QUIT: # Get the user's menu choice. choice = get_menu_choice() # Process the choice. if choice == LOOK_UP: look_up(birthdays) elif choice == ADD: add(birthdays) elif choice == CHANGE: change(birthdays) elif choice == DELETE: delete(birthdays) # The get_menu_choice function displays the menu # and gets a validated choice from the user. def get_menu_choice(): print() print('Friends and Their Birthdays') print('---------------------------') print('1. Look up a birthday') print('2. Add a new birthday') print('3. Change a birthday') print('4. Delete a birthday') print('5. Quit the program') print() # Get the user's choice. choice = int(input('Enter your choice: ')) # Validate the choice. while choice < LOOK_UP or choice > QUIT: choice = int(input('Enter a valid choice: ')) # return the user's choice. return choice # The look_up function looks up a name in the # birthdays dictionary. def look_up(birthdays): # Get a name to look up. name = input('Enter a name: ') # Look it up in the dictionary. print(birthdays.get(name, 'Not found.')) # The add function adds a new entry into the # birthdays dictionary. def add(birthdays): # Get a name and birthday. name = input('Enter a name: ') bday = input('Enter a birthday: ') # If the name does not exist, add it. if name not in birthdays: birthdays[name] = bday else: print('That entry already exists.') def change(birthdays): # Get a name to look up. name = input('Enter a name: ') if name in birthdays: # Get a new birthday. bday = input('Enter the new birthday: ') # Update the entry. birthdays[name] = bday else: print('That name is not found.') # The delete function deletes an entry from the # birthdays dictionary. def delete(birthdays): # Get a name to look up. name = input('Enter a name: ') # If the name is found, delete the entry. if name in birthdays: del birthdays[name] else: print('That name is not found.') # Call the main function. main()