import time # Item Prices YELLOW_COST = 15.97 BLUE_COST = 24.99 # Summary Values totalYellow = 0 totalBlue = 0 TotalTransactions = 0 TotalSales = 0.0 # Tax Rates IN_TAX = 0.04 OUT_TAX = 0.06 repeat = True print("\n"*100) print("Welcome to TSCT Skating Association!\n") # Keep looping until user decides to exit while repeat: state = "z" sale = 0.0 # Get number of blue skateboards blue = input("How many blue skateboards ($24.99) would you like to purchase: ") if blue.isnumeric(): blue = int(blue) else: blue = 0 # Get number of yellow skateboards yellow = input("How many yellow skateboards ($15.97) would you like to purchase: ") if yellow.isnumeric(): yellow = int(yellow) else: yellow = 0 # Get whether the user is from out of state or not for use with tax rates while True: state = input("Are you from out of state? (y/n): ") if state == "y" or state == "Y" or state == "n" or state == "N": break else: print("Please enter either 'y' or 'n'.") # set tax rates if state == "y" or state == "Y": tax = OUT_TAX else: tax = IN_TAX # Calculate this sale sale = round((blue * BLUE_COST + yellow * YELLOW_COST) * (1+tax),2) # Update running totals totalYellow += yellow totalBlue += blue TotalTransactions += 1 TotalSales += sale # Print out the sale print("You sold " + str(format(blue, ',')) + " blue skateboards, and " + str(format(yellow, ',')) + " yellow skateboards.") print("This will cost $" + str(format(sale, ',.2f')), end="\n\n") # ask the user if they would like to make another sale while True: again = input("Would you like to make another sale? (y/n): ") if again == "y" or again == "Y": print("Initiating a new sale.",end="") time.sleep(0.5) print(".",end="") time.sleep(0.5) print(".",end="") time.sleep(0.5) print("\n"*100) break elif again == "n" or again == "N": print("Exiting.",end="") time.sleep(0.5) print(".",end="") time.sleep(0.5) print(".",end="") time.sleep(0.5) print("\n"*100) repeat = False break else: print("Please enter either 'y' or 'n'.") # Print out the summary print("You sold " + str(format(totalBlue,',')) + " blue skateboards, and " + str(format(totalYellow,',')) + " yellow skateboards.") print("You made a total of " + str(format(TotalTransactions,',')) + " individual transactions.") print("You made $" + str(format(round(TotalSales,2),',.2f')), end=".\n\n") print("Thank you for using TSCT Skating Association!")