This commit is contained in:
EggMan 2024-04-23 09:40:13 -04:00
commit e49d51eb06
17 changed files with 1049 additions and 0 deletions

.idea/.gitignore generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Default ignored files
# Editor-based HTTP Client requests
# Datasource local storage ignored files

.idea/CNSA-266-Personal.iml generated Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module type="PYTHON_MODULE" version="4">
<component name="NewModuleRootManager">
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/.venv" />
<orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
<option name="USE_PROJECT_PROFILE" value="false" />
<version value="1.0" />

.idea/misc.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" project-jdk-name="Python 3.11 (CNSA-266-Personal)" project-jdk-type="Python SDK" />

.idea/modules.xml generated Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectModuleManager">
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/CNSA-266-Personal.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/CNSA-266-Personal.iml" />

.idea/vcs.xml generated Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$" vcs="Git" />

18 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
def main():
hours = [0.0] * NUM_EMPLOYEES
for index in range(NUM_EMPLOYEES):
print("Enter the hours worked by employee ", index + 1, ": ", sep="", end="")
hours[index] = float(input())
pay_rate = float(input("Enter the hourly pay rate: "))
for index in range(NUM_EMPLOYEES):
gross_pay = hours[index] * pay_rate
print("Gross pay for employee ", index + 1, ": $", format(gross_pay, ',.2f'), sep="")

5 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
name = input("What is your name? ")
quantity = int(input("How many items do you have? "))
cost = float(input("how many dollars does each cost? "))
discount = int(input("What is the discount percentage? "))
print("Hello " + name + ". You have " + str(quantity) + " items, and each costs $" + str(cost) + " and there is a " + str(discount) + "% discount")

88 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Create a list of grades
grades = [10,20,30,40]
#print grades
# Concatenate grades
grades = grades + [50,60,70]
# Print grades
print("After concatenation: " + str(grades))
# Append to grades
print("After extending the list: " + str(grades))
# Find the count, total, min, max average grade
print("Count of grades: " + str(len(grades)))
# Print min & Max
print("Min of grades: " + str(min(grades)))
print("Max of grades: " + str(max(grades)))
# Print total
total = 0
for item in grades:
total += item
print("Total of grades is: " + str(total))
# Average of grades
avg_grade = total / len(grades)
print("Average grade: " + str(round(avg_grade, 2)))
from statistics import *
# Simple average
print("Simple average: " + str(round(mean(grades), 2)))
# Simple total
print("Simple sum is: " + str(round(sum(grades), 2)))
superbowl_teams = ["Patriots", "Patriots", "Steelers", "Steelers", "Ravens", "Chiefs", "Packers"]
print("Superbowl Champions:")
for teams in superbowl_teams:
print("\t" + teams)
# SLIDE 10
unique = []
dupes = []
for j in superbowl_teams:
if j not in unique:
# SLIDE 11
if len(dupes) != 0:
print("Teams that have won multiple championships: ")
for i in dupes:
# Check unique teams
if len(unique) != 0:
print("These teams have all won a super bowl: ")
for k in unique:

129 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
import sys
import time
DEBUG = False
totalCorrect = 0
totalIncorrect = 0
# will ask the user if they want to exit the program
def tryExit():
userIn = ""
while True:
userIn = input("Would you like to exit the program? (y/n) ")
if userIn == "y" or userIn == "Y":
print("\n\n\nThank you for using Math Practice!")
print("You got " + str(totalCorrect) + " correct, and " + str(totalIncorrect) + " incorrect.")
elif userIn == "n" or userIn == "N":
print("Please enter y or n.")
# loops forever until the user enters a valid input (float)
def getInput(message):
userInput = ""
while True:
userInput = input(message)
userInput = float(userInput)
except Exception as e:
print("Please enter a valid number.")
if userInput == -99:
return userInput
# loops forever until the user enters a valid operator
def getOperator():
userInput = ""
while True:
userInput = input("Please choose an operator ( + - / * ): ")
if userInput == "+":
elif userInput == "-":
elif userInput == "*":
elif userInput == "/":
elif userInput == "-99":
raise Exception("Please enter a valid operator.")
except Exception as e:
return userInput
# runs a calculation based on two numbers, and the operator provided
def calculate(first, second, op):
if op == "+":
return first + second
if op == "-":
return first - second
if op == "*":
return first * second
if op == "/":
return first / second
# returns the int value of a float if possible
def reduce(num):
oNum = num
intNum = int(num)
if intNum == oNum:
return intNum
return oNum
if not DEBUG:
print("Welcome to Math Practice!")
print("This program will ask you to enter one number, then an operation, and a second number")
print("You will then input the answer that you believe to be correct")
print("Your score will be calculated based on how many you got correct and how many you guessed incorrectly")
print("You may enter -99 to exit at any time")
input("Press Enter to start!")
# The Main Running Space
while True:
num1 = getInput("Please enter the first number: ")
op = getOperator()
num2 = getInput("Please enter the second number: ")
print("Your equation is: " + str(reduce(num1)) + " " + op + " " + str(reduce(num2)))
userAnswer = getInput("Please enter what you think the answer is: ")
answer = calculate(num1, num2, op)
if float(userAnswer) == answer:
totalCorrect += 1
print("You may enter -99 to exit at any time\n")
print("Incorrect. Better luck next time!.")
totalIncorrect += 1
print("You may enter -99 to exit at any time\n")

42 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import time
fName = input("Enter your first name: ")
lName = input("Enter your last name: ")
fullAddress = input("Enter your full address, seperated by semicolons (;): ")
while True:
SSN = input("Enter your SSN in numerical format (e.g. 312943821): ")
if len(SSN) == 9:
print("invalid SSN!")
while True:
payType = input("Enter your payment type (options are: MasterCard, Discover, Visa, Cash, or Check: ")
if payType.upper() == "MasterCard".upper() or payType.upper() == "VISA".upper() or payType.upper() == "CASH".upper() or payType.upper() == "CHECK".upper() or payType.upper() == "DISCOVER".upper():
print("Please enter a valid payment type.")
uName = input("Enter your username: ")
uPassword = input("Enter your password: ")
uEmail = input("Enter your email address: ")
fullAddress = fullAddress.split(';')
print("\n" * 8)
print("Confirmation for " + fName + " " + lName + " at ", end="")
trace = 0
for i in fullAddress:
if trace == len(fullAddress)-1:
print(i.strip()+". ", end="\n")
print(i.strip()+", ", end="")
trace += 1
print("The last 4 digits of your SSN is ***-**-" + SSN[5:] + ".")
print("Your payment will be made with " + payType + ".")
print("Your username is: " + uName)
hPass = ""
while len(hPass) < len(uPassword):
hPass = hPass + "*"
print("Your password (hidden) is: " + hPass)
print("An email has been sent to you at: " + uEmail + ".", end="\n"*3)
print("Thank you!")

280 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
# importing the module
import sys
# this function will be the first to run as soon as the main function executes
def initial_phonebook():
rows, cols = int(input("Please enter initial number of contacts: ")), 5
# We are collecting the initial number of contacts the user wants to have in the
# phonebook already. User may also enter 0 if he doesn't wish to enter any.
phone_bookA = open("records.txt", 'a')
phone_bookR = open("records.txt", 'r')
for i in range(rows):
print("\nEnter contact %d details in the following order (ONLY):" % (i + 1))
print("NOTE: * indicates mandatory fields")
temp = []
for j in range(cols):
# We have taken the conditions for values of j only for the personalized fields
# such as name, number, e-mail id, dob, category etc
if j == 0:
temp.append(str(input("Enter name*: ")))
# We need to check if the user has left the name empty as its mentioned that
# name & number are mandatory fields.
# So implement a condition to check as below.
if temp[j] == '' or temp[j] == ' ':
"Name is a mandatory field. Process exiting due to blank field...")
# This will exit the process if a blank field is encountered.
if j == 1:
temp.append(int(input("Enter number*: ")))
# We do not need to check if user has entered the number because int automatically
# takes care of it. Int value cannot accept a blank as that counts as a string.
# So process automatically exits without us using the sys package.
if j == 2:
temp.append(str(input("Enter e-mail address: ")))
# Even if this field is left as blank, None will take the blank's place
if temp[j] == '' or temp[j] == ' ':
temp[j] = None
if j == 3:
temp.append(str(input("Enter date of birth(dd/mm/yy): ")))
# Whatever format the user enters dob in, it won't make a difference to the compiler
# Only while searching the user will have to enter query exactly the same way as
# he entered during the input so as to ensure accurate searches
if temp[j] == '' or temp[j] == ' ':
# Even if this field is left as blank, None will take the blank's place
temp[j] = None
if j == 4:
str(input("Enter category(Family/Friends/Work/Others): ")))
# Even if this field is left as blank, None will take the blank's place
if temp[j] == "" or temp[j] == ' ':
temp[j] = None
for record in temp:
phone_bookA.write(str(record) + ",")
# By this step we are appending a list temp into a list phone_book
# That means phone_book is a 2-D array and temp is a 1-D array
def menu():
# We created this simple menu function for
# code reusability & also for an interactive console
# Menu func will only execute when called
print("\t\t\tSMARTPHONE DIRECTORY", flush=False)
print("\tYou can now perform the following operations on this phonebook\n")
print("1. Add a new contact")
print("2. Remove an existing contact")
print("3. Delete all contacts")
print("4. Search for a contact")
print("5. Display all contacts")
print("6. Exit phonebook")
# Out of the provided 6 choices, user needs to enter any 1 choice among the 6
# We return the entered choice to the calling function wiz main in our case
choice = int(input("Please enter your choice: "))
return choice
def add_contact():
# Adding a contact is the easiest because all you need to do is:
# append another list of details into the already existing list
dip = []
for i in range(5):
if i == 0:
dip.append(str(input("Enter name: ")))
if i == 1:
dip.append(str(input("Enter number: ")))
if i == 2:
dip.append(str(input("Enter e-mail address: ")))
if i == 3:
dip.append(str(input("Enter date of birth(dd/mm/yy): ")))
if i == 4:
str(input("Enter category(Family/Friends/Work/Others): ")))
pb = open("records.txt", 'a')
for record in dip:
pb.write(record + ",")
def remove_existing():
pbr = open("records.txt", 'r')
pbw = open("records.txt", 'w')
# This function is to remove a contact's details from existing phonebook
query = str(
input("Please enter the name of the contact you wish to remove: "))
# We'll collect name of the contact and search if it exists in our phonebook
pb = []
temp = 0
# temp is a checking variable here. We assigned a value 0 to temp.
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pbr[i][0]:
temp += 1
# Temp will be incremented & it won't be 0 anymore in this function's scope
# The pop function removes entry at index i
print("This query has now been removed")
# printing a confirmation message after removal.
# This ensures that removal was successful.
# After removal we will return the modified phonebook to the calling function
# which is main in our program
return pb
if temp == 0:
# Now if at all any case matches temp should've incremented but if otherwise,
# temp will remain 0 and that means the query does not exist in this phonebook
print("Sorry, you have entered an invalid query.\
Please recheck and try again later.")
return pb
def delete_all():
# This function will simply delete all the entries in the phonebook pb
# It will return an empty phonebook after clearing
pb = open("records.txt", 'w')
def search_existing():
# This function searches for an existing contact and displays the result
choice = int(input("Enter search criteria\n\n\
1. Name\n2. Number\n3. Email-id\n4. DOB\n5. Category(Family/Friends/Work/Others)\
\nPlease enter: "))
# We're doing so just to ensure that the user experiences a customized search result
temp = []
check = -1
if choice == 1:
# This will execute for searches based on contact name
query = str(
input("Please enter the name of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][0]:
check = i
elif choice == 2:
# This will execute for searches based on contact number
query = int(
input("Please enter the number of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][1]:
check = i
elif choice == 3:
# This will execute for searches based on contact's e-mail address
query = str(input("Please enter the e-mail ID\
of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][2]:
check = i
elif choice == 4:
# This will execute for searches based on contact''s date of birth
query = str(input("Please enter the DOB (in dd/mm/yyyy format ONLY)\
of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][3]:
check = i
elif choice == 5:
# This will execute for searches based on contact category
query = str(
input("Please enter the category of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][4]:
check = i
# All contacts under query category will be shown using this feature
# If the user enters any other choice then the search will be unsuccessful
print("Invalid search criteria")
return -1
# returning -1 indicates that the search was unsuccessful
# all the searches are stored in temp and all the results will be displayed with
# the help of display function
if check == -1:
return -1
# returning -1 indicates that the query did not exist in the directory
return check
# we're just returning a index value wiz not -1 to calling function just to notify
# that the search worked successfully
# this function displays all content of phonebook pb
def display_all(pb):
if not pb:
# if display function is called after deleting all contacts then the len will be 0
# And then without this condition it will throw an error
print("List is empty: []")
for i in range(len(pb)):
def thanks():
# A simple gesture of courtesy towards the user to enhance user experience
print("Thank you for using our Smartphone directory system.")
print("Please visit again!")
sys.exit("Goodbye, have a nice day ahead!")
# Main function code
print("Hello dear user, welcome to our smartphone directory system")
print("You may now proceed to explore this directory")
# This is solely meant for decoration purpose only.
# You're free to modify your interface as per your will to make it look interactive
ch = 1
while ch in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
ch = menu()
if ch == 1:
elif ch == 2:
elif ch == 3:
elif ch == 4:
d = search_existing()
if d == -1:
print("The contact does not exist. Please try again")
elif ch == 5:

99 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
import time
# Item Prices
BLUE_COST = 24.99
# Summary Values
totalYellow = 0
totalBlue = 0
TotalTransactions = 0
TotalSales = 0.0
# Tax Rates
IN_TAX = 0.04
OUT_TAX = 0.06
repeat = True
print("Welcome to TSCT Skating Association!\n")
# Keep looping until user decides to exit
while repeat:
state = "z"
sale = 0.0
# Get number of blue skateboards
blue = input("How many blue skateboards ($24.99) would you like to purchase: ")
if blue.isnumeric():
blue = int(blue)
blue = 0
# Get number of yellow skateboards
yellow = input("How many yellow skateboards ($15.97) would you like to purchase: ")
if yellow.isnumeric():
yellow = int(yellow)
yellow = 0
# Get whether the user is from out of state or not for use with tax rates
while True:
state = input("Are you from out of state? (y/n): ")
if state == "y" or state == "Y" or state == "n" or state == "N":
print("Please enter either 'y' or 'n'.")
# set tax rates
if state == "y" or state == "Y":
tax = OUT_TAX
tax = IN_TAX
# Calculate this sale
sale = round((blue * BLUE_COST + yellow * YELLOW_COST) * (1+tax),2)
# Update running totals
totalYellow += yellow
totalBlue += blue
TotalTransactions += 1
TotalSales += sale
# Print out the sale
print("You sold " + str(format(blue, ',')) + " blue skateboards, and " + str(format(yellow, ',')) + " yellow skateboards.")
print("This will cost $" + str(format(sale, ',.2f')), end="\n\n")
# ask the user if they would like to make another sale
while True:
again = input("Would you like to make another sale? (y/n): ")
if again == "y" or again == "Y":
print("Initiating a new sale.",end="")
elif again == "n" or again == "N":
repeat = False
print("Please enter either 'y' or 'n'.")
# Print out the summary
print("You sold " + str(format(totalBlue,',')) + " blue skateboards, and " + str(format(totalYellow,',')) + " yellow skateboards.")
print("You made a total of " + str(format(TotalTransactions,',')) + " individual transactions.")
print("You made $" + str(format(round(TotalSales,2),',.2f')), end=".\n\n")
print("Thank you for using TSCT Skating Association!")

37 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
STD_TAX = 0.06
OTH_TAX = 0.05
while True:
con = "Z"
validstate = False
fullName = str(input("Enter your full name: "))
quan = int(input("Enter the number of items: "))
cost = float(input("Enter the cost per item: "))
discount = float(input("Enter the discount percentage (e.g. 10 for 10%): "))
state = str(input("Enter your state (e.g. PA): "))
if state == "PA":
tax = STD_TAX
validstate = True
elif len(state) != 2:
print("invalid state!")
validstate = False
tax = OTH_TAX
validstate = True
# print("Welcome " + fullName + "!")
# print("You are purchasing " + str(quan) + " items at $" + str(cost) + " per item.")
# print("You will have " + str(int(discount)) + " percent discount.")
# print("Your total is $" + str(round(cost*quan - (((discount/100) * (cost*quan))))*(tax + 1)),2)
if validstate:
print("Thank you: " + fullName)
print("Your Order:")
print("\t Qualtity: " + str(quan))
print("\t Cost: $" + str(round((cost*quan-(cost*quan*(discount/100)))*(1+tax),2)))
while (con != "Y" and con != "y") and (con != "N" and con != "n"):
con = input("Do you want to start over? (Y/N): ")
if con == "N" or con == "n":

306 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
# importing the module
import sys
# this function will be the first to run as soon as the main function executes
def writeFile(pb):
b = open("records.txt", 'w')
for record in pb:
for item in record:
if item != record[len(record) - 1]:
b.write(str(item) + ",")
b.write(str(item) + "\n")
def readFile():
pb = []
f = open("records.txt", 'r')
while True:
d = f.readline().strip().split(',')
if len(d) == 1:
return pb
def initial_phonebook():
rows, cols = int(input("Please enter initial number of contacts: ")), 5
# We are collecting the initial number of contacts the user wants to have in the
# phonebook already. User may also enter 0 if he doesn't wish to enter any.
phone_book = readFile()
if rows >= 1:
for i in range(rows):
print("\nEnter contact %d details in the following order (ONLY):" % (i + 1))
print("NOTE: * indicates mandatory fields")
temp = []
for j in range(cols):
# We have taken the conditions for values of j only for the personalized fields
# such as name, number, e-mail id, dob, category etc
if j == 0:
temp.append(str(input("Enter name*: ")))
# We need to check if the user has left the name empty as its mentioned that
# name & number are mandatory fields.
# So implement a condition to check as below.
if temp[j] == '' or temp[j] == ' ':
"Name is a mandatory field. Process exiting due to blank field...")
# This will exit the process if a blank field is encountered.
if j == 1:
temp.append(int(input("Enter number*: ")))
# We do not need to check if user has entered the number because int automatically
# takes care of it. Int value cannot accept a blank as that counts as a string.
# So process automatically exits without us using the sys package.
if j == 2:
temp.append(str(input("Enter e-mail address: ")))
# Even if this field is left as blank, None will take the blank's place
if temp[j] == '' or temp[j] == ' ':
temp[j] = None
if j == 3:
temp.append(str(input("Enter date of birth(dd/mm/yy): ")))
# Whatever format the user enters dob in, it won't make a difference to the compiler
# Only while searching the user will have to enter query exactly the same way as
# he entered during the input so as to ensure accurate searches
if temp[j] == '' or temp[j] == ' ':
# Even if this field is left as blank, None will take the blank's place
temp[j] = None
if j == 4:
str(input("Enter category(Family/Friends/Work/Others): ")))
# Even if this field is left as blank, None will take the blank's place
if temp[j] == "" or temp[j] == ' ':
temp[j] = None
# By this step we are appending a list temp into a list phone_book
# That means phone_book is a 2-D array and temp is a 1-D array
for record in phone_book:
for item in record:
print(f"{item:10}", end="\t")
return phone_book
def menu():
# We created this simple menu function for
# code reusability & also for an interactive console
# Menu func will only execute when called
print("\t\t\tSMARTPHONE DIRECTORY", flush=False)
print("\tYou can now perform the following operations on this phonebook\n")
print("1. Add a new contact")
print("2. Remove an existing contact")
print("3. Delete all contacts")
print("4. Search for a contact")
print("5. Display all contacts")
print("6. Save & Exit phonebook")
# Out of the provided 6 choices, user needs to enter any 1 choice among the 6
# We return the entered choice to the calling function wiz main in our case
choice = int(input("Please enter your choice: "))
return choice
def add_contact(pb):
# Adding a contact is the easiest because all you need to do is:
# append another list of details into the already existing list
dip = []
for i in range(len(pb[0])):
if i == 0:
dip.append(str(input("Enter name: ")))
if i == 1:
dip.append(int(input("Enter number: ")))
if i == 2:
dip.append(str(input("Enter e-mail address: ")))
if i == 3:
dip.append(str(input("Enter date of birth(dd/mm/yy): ")))
if i == 4:
str(input("Enter category(Family/Friends/Work/Others): ")))
# And once you modify the list, you return it to the calling function wiz main, here.
return pb
def remove_existing(pb):
# This function is to remove a contact's details from existing phonebook
query = str(
input("Please enter the name of the contact you wish to remove: "))
# We'll collect name of the contact and search if it exists in our phonebook
temp = 0
# temp is a checking variable here. We assigned a value 0 to temp.
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][0]:
temp += 1
# Temp will be incremented & it won't be 0 anymore in this function's scope
# The pop function removes entry at index i
print("This query has now been removed")
# printing a confirmation message after removal.
# This ensures that removal was successful.
# After removal we will return the modified phonebook to the calling function
# which is main in our program
return pb
if temp == 0:
# Now if at all any case matches temp should've incremented but if otherwise,
# temp will remain 0 and that means the query does not exist in this phonebook
print("Sorry, you have entered an invalid query.\
Please recheck and try again later.")
return pb
def delete_all(pb):
# This function will simply delete all the entries in the phonebook pb
# It will return an empty phonebook after clearing
return pb.clear()
def search_existing(pb):
# This function searches for an existing contact and displays the result
choice = int(input("Enter search criteria\n\n\
1. Name\n2. Number\n3. Email-id\n4. DOB\n5. Category(Family/Friends/Work/Others)\
\nPlease enter: "))
# We're doing so just to ensure that the user experiences a customized search result
temp = []
check = -1
if choice == 1:
# This will execute for searches based on contact name
query = str(
input("Please enter the name of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][0]:
check = i
elif choice == 2:
# This will execute for searches based on contact number
query = int(
input("Please enter the number of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][1]:
check = i
elif choice == 3:
# This will execute for searches based on contact's e-mail address
query = str(input("Please enter the e-mail ID\
of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][2]:
check = i
elif choice == 4:
# This will execute for searches based on contact''s date of birth
query = str(input("Please enter the DOB (in dd/mm/yyyy format ONLY)\
of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][3]:
check = i
elif choice == 5:
# This will execute for searches based on contact category
query = str(
input("Please enter the category of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][4]:
check = i
# All contacts under query category will be shown using this feature
# If the user enters any other choice then the search will be unsuccessful
print("Invalid search criteria")
return -1
# returning -1 indicates that the search was unsuccessful
# all the searches are stored in temp and all the results will be displayed with
# the help of display function
if check == -1:
return -1
# returning -1 indicates that the query did not exist in the directory
return check
# we're just returning a index value wiz not -1 to calling function just to notify
# that the search worked successfully
# this function displays all content of phonebook pb
def display_all(pb):
if not pb:
# if display function is called after deleting all contacts then the len will be 0
# And then without this condition it will throw an error
print("List is empty: []")
for record in pb:
for item in record:
print(f"{item:10}", end="\t")
def thanks(pb):
# A simple gesture of courtesy towards the user to enhance user experience
print("Thank you for using our Smartphone directory system.")
print("Please visit again!")
sys.exit("Goodbye, have a nice day ahead!")
# Main function code
print("Hello dear user, welcome to our smartphone directory system")
print("You may now proceed to explore this directory")
# This is solely meant for decoration purpose only.
# You're free to modify your interface as per your will to make it look interactive
ch = 1
pb = initial_phonebook()
while ch in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
ch = menu()
if ch == 1:
pb = add_contact(pb)
elif ch == 2:
pb = remove_existing(pb)
elif ch == 3:
pb = delete_all(pb)
elif ch == 4:
d = search_existing(pb)
if d == -1:
print("The contact does not exist. Please try again")
elif ch == 5:

records.txt Normal file
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